What do bearded dragon on a quilt?
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Yes, exactly! Right! This is also a Winter Village quilt sewn by the guidance of Edyta Sitar (The instruction can be found here: www.laundybasketquilts.com). This one Heike has sewn with self-dyed fabrics. At our last meeting, she gave me her finished top with a request, to quilt for her. And she would like to have bearded dragon on it and stones and so on and it should be a wall hanging and “Ines, you do that already”.
Hm. Yes. Well. But what bearded dragon are, please? Bearded dragon lizards are. They grow up to 50cm tall and live in Australia. And they are the favorite animal of Heike. Therefore bearded dragon.
Now I'm a happy owner of a Bernina Qmatic, a computer program including accessories. The purchase also gives you the program “Art and Stitch”. So you can create your own quilt patterns. I have already designed smaller patterns. But a bearded dragon? That was then but a size too big. But what are his followers on Ista Gram? Right, you ask they, who can do it. Long story, short: Marci One of my followers from www.lilystreetquilts.com. She created quilt designs. And I asked she for help. A few photos and e-mails later, I could add three different bearded dragon my quilt pattern file. Here you can see two of them:

After stretching the top on the Longarm I transferred the size of the quilt on the screen and I distributed the bearded dragons.

After that, all bearded dragon were successively quilted, who were in the Quilt area. Then I rolled the quilt on and the next bearded dragons could be quilted. After all bearded dragon were placed, I set up the Rulerkit and with the help of a ruler I gave each house its own look. In the area of bearded dragons I quilted the houses very closely. As a result, the bearded dragon came even more into the foreground.

I filled the remaining open spaces with small and large stones, wavelines and quicksand.

What can I say? Finally, this beauty has come out!

When you stand in front of the quilt and look it for a long time, you have the feeling somehow, that something is moving…
A city in the desert. Inhabited by bearded dragons.