My Meadowland quilt is finished!
(This post includes unpaid advertising)
Done! 30 Blocks are cut and sewn!

Now comes the first challenge! The blocks to sort in color and according to the pattern, that it is consistent for the viewer. With the size of the quilt that is not so easy (96″ x 80″). At some point a final decision was made and I started, sewing the individual blocks together…

... and the top stretchedon the Longarm. This time I chose a cotton fleece. That´s warmer.

The second challenge was, to find the right quilt pattern. I have myself, felt thousands of quilted Meadowland Quilts looked at in the vastness of the Internet. Because I wanted a pattern, which dominates neither the color nor the pattern of the top. Ultimately, I opted for the pantograph “Wish Bone” decided. The pattern may be in are available for purchase and download from (you can also buy it in paper form).

This is what the finished quilt looks like: absolutely perfect for me!