Hexagone once differently quilted
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When Nicole presented me her Hexagonquilt, sewn for a pattern by Jaybird Quilts, for quilting, I was sure: Hexagone be quilted as hexagons! Whether lines, Circles or curves, all of them together are means to an end, to emphasize the hexagon as such. In the vastness of the Internet and many books on quilting, you can find countless examples. Hexagone quilted with curves, that meet at the center and act like a spider web. Curves and lines, which emphasize the sides of the hexagon. Hexagons filled with free-motion patterns. Who is looking for suggestions, I can recommend the two books by Angela Walters “Shape by Shape” and “Shape by Shape Collection 2” highly .
How so, why, why did we do differently with this Hexagonquilt? We both do not know that exactly. Nicole has decided on flower pattern: It's called “Flower power” and can purchased by, www.digitizedquiltingpatterns.com, Wasatch Quilting.
But see for yourself:

In my opinion, the pattern was a good decision. Why hexagons did not just quilt!?