Now it is Christmas! Time for “Thangles”!
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Last weekend our group, the Rosesquilter from Zweibrücken, did a sewing weekend. We sewed Christmas trees after a pattern of Sherri McConnell from “aQuiltingLife” together. The pattern you can find here
I decided for a jelly roll of the fabrics “Little Tree” from Moda frabrics and a white uni-fabric .

The trees are sewn easily. The finished block has a size of 10″x10″. So it can be processed well into a pillow or table runner.

I sewed a total of 4 trees and I decided, to sew the matching star. For sewing the stars came “Thangles” for use. These are ready-made and printed paper strips. These are available in different widths and make sewing HST's (Half-Square Triangles) much easier. You can find them here:

How does this work? I cut two strips of the fabrics, from which I would like to sew HST's, in the length of the Thangles paper strip too. The fabric strips are placed on the right side and the paper strip is fastened with pins on them.

Now step on the dotted line with a sewing machine. I used a stitch length of 1,5 mm .

Now the strips are cut with the rotary cutter along the continuous line.

Then remove the paper and iron out the HST's. There you go! Finished.

Lay the star in the desired shape …

... and sew together.

Two stars left! Then my little Christmasquilt is done and can be quilted.