A different weight ceiling (Part 1 )
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A while back my niece contacted me and asked me , since I was busy with "that patchwork or so", on my opinion regarding weighted blankets . The blankets, wich were available for sale, would be, well, square and plain, often in a grey or in a dark blue, sometimesw even in a brighter colour for kids , but nothing that stands out. Hm. Until then , I´ve never heard of "weighted blankets" before. But the internet, yet again, enlightened me . Here is the short version: Weight ceilings with plastic- or glass pearls, rice, lentils or other materials and are used for therapeutic purposes . They are used in the treatment of Developmental disorders (e.g.. ADHD, Autism), sleep problems, depressions, insomnia- and anxiety disorders. The blanket, which should weigh 10% of your body weight , has a relaxing effect on your muscles and joints, given the body the opportunity to calm down. Well, no easy task. The blanket must be sewed in a shape, which is neither square or quadratic . Those forms already exist. Additionally the blanket must be filled. To cut a long story , short: Two things many me spontaneously. Hexagon and turtle. "Turtle", because I not just connect their carapace with "weight", but also because it gives me a feel of "protection" and "withdrawal" (in a relaxing context). The "Hexagon" is a geometric shape, which can be lined up, filled up and sewed together without a problem.
Equipped with a piece of paper and a pen, was the following Draft:

As a template for cutting the fabric, I use a hexagon with an edge length of 3 ¾ inch. I fill up the hexagons with very small glass beads, rather glass sand. The blanket is washable and appropriate for allergy sufferers . Regarding, the mixture of swallowable small parts and small children, I´m still an overcautious mother, that is why Iwork with two layers of fabric both on the inside of the hexagon as well as on the outside. It is important that the fabric is woven tightly and sewed densely, so that the small glass beads won´t fall out. Talking about fabrics, I choose five different unicoloured fabrics made out of cotton. The fabric for the carapace is from the collection "Rosa" by Moda Fabrics, the backside is from the collection "Aura" by Art Gallery Fabrics (which suits the overall theme of the quilt). The ceiling we finally a Size of 40 "x 60" (100cm x 150cm) have.

Following the design, I cut the hexagons in the desired quantity and colour . For the bicolored hexagons I sewed the fabrics together as needed before Icut it.

Head and tail I stress with a Stitch (Ranked # 458) in addition.

Next, I sew three hexagons together 1/4 with an extra seam allowance of 1/4", the top layer of the quilt is placed in the middle .

Stitching said combination together I leave a circa 1,6" wide opening. This opening is essential for turning the fabric.
I turn the fabric, elaborate every edge and iron the complete piece. It is important to prevent the needle from colliding with the glass sand while sewing, thats´s why I stitch an extra seam which 1/4" away from the outer edge . I leave an opening which will help us to fill the hexagon .